Improving lives, inspiring change

Head Teachers Message
On behalf of staff, pupils and Governors Welcome to Brian Jackson College
Brian Jackson College is an Alternative Provision supporting pupils with social, emotional and mental health difficulties. We are based in Kirklees across 2 sites, one in Huddersfield and the other in Heckmondwike.
Our aim is to inspire all our pupils to be motivated and successful citizens, equipped to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. We have created a positive environment that offers a fresh start and encourages and promotes pupils academic, social, moral, spiritual and cultural learning.
We are extremely proud of the work that we do and the outcomes we achieve for young people in Kirklees and surrounding areas.
Our most recent Ofsted report in March 2019 stated that ‘The school’s ethos and culture promotes all aspects of pupils’ welfare. Staff help pupils with previously unsuccessful experiences of school to overcome the barriers that exist and re-engage well with education. One pupil said, ‘They give us a future.’
If you would like to know more about Brian Jackson College or would like to arrange a visit please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to welcoming you.
Jacqueline Green (BSc Hons/QTLS) Head teacher

“Inclusive, empowering, caring, trusted and approachable”

“Pupils enjoy attending Brian Jackson College. There are positive, caring relationships between adults and pupils. During the inspection, pupils and staff commented that the school has a ‘family feel’”. Ofsted July 2023
“Pupils are cared for. They feel safe at school. One reason for this is that bullying is rare and is dealt with quickly if it does happen. Pupils respect each other and their teachers”. Ofsted July 2023
“Behaviour across both school sites is good. When issues do arise, adults provide nurturing support to help pupils manage their behaviour and make positive choices”. Ofsted July 2023
“The overarching aim of all adults working with pupils at Brian Jackson College is to provide opportunities for success”. Ofsted July 2023
“The curriculum design complements this vision. Leaders ensure that pupils work towards qualifications that will help open doors to them after leaving the school”. Ofsted July 2023
“Leaders, rightly, pride themselves on the steps that they take to develop pupils’ character. It is a vital part of the work that the school undertakes”. Ofsted July 2023

“The staff at this college have inspired and encouraged me to be the person I am today. Throughout the two years of being here I have displayed a lot of bad behaviour and they have helped me grow out of the person I was. Due to circumstances at home I used to enter school in a bad mood everyday and over a 4 month period I came out of the mood and realised I needed the help that the staff provided.”