About Us
Brian Jackson College is an Independent Inclusion school offering a full-time alternative provision for PUPILS aged 13-16.
Improving lives, inspiring change

Brian Jackson College promotes inclusion, and raises standards of behaviour as well as academic and vocational achievement.
Our ethos is to offer a fresh start to all students; challenging and supporting them to achieve, developing self-belief and aspirations to support and encourage positive progression by proactive early intervention.
At Brian Jackson College we specialise in supporting pupils with a wide range of social, emotional or mental health issues. Pupils who will benefit from a placement at Brian Jackson College are likely to fall into the following categories:
- Pupils who have had, or are at risk of having, a fixed term or permanent exclusion
- Pupils who are disaffected with mainstream education to such an extent that continuation of a full-time placement in their current setting is no longer a viable option
- Pupils who have social and emotional issues which are impacting on their education.
- This may manifest itself through negative and challenging behaviours or withdrawal from
education and school life - Pupils who have been bullied or bullied others
- Pupils who have had patterns of poor school attendance and cannot re-establish
consistent attendance at their mainstream setting - Pupils who are disadvantaged and vulnerable due to a range of social circumstances
(e.g. families experiencing risks such as poverty, substance misuse, mental health issues)
which are negatively affecting their attendance and/or behaviour in school
Local Authorities, Secondary Schools (state maintained or academies) can commission a place at Brian Jackson College to ensure the best outcomes for individual pupils. Transition arrangements are designed to encourage incoming pupils to settle into the College confidently and quickly and to ensure their needs are identified and comprehensively met from the outset.
Why choose us

At Brian Jackson College we pride ourselves on our nurturing ethos. We adopt and incorporate a nurturing approach, considering our pupils holistically, tailoring support to the unique and individual needs of the pupils. We use Boxall profiling to assess the social, emotional and behavioural strengths and weaknesses of our pupils. This profile gives shape and awareness to the barriers that prevent pupils from progressing in education and on their readiness to learn and accept academic engagement. We use this information to structure support in a way that is suitable for the holistic growth of our pupils, using target sheets, individual behaviour plans, praise and rewards to motivate and encourage.
Our nurturing ethosThe combination of our school ethos and staff philosophy alongside the use of our onsite Nurture Manager enables us to better support the needs of the individual pupil.

Experienced and dedicated staff with a wide range of skills and experience, who believe in our pupils and are passionate about helping them succeeed in life, empowering them to learn, achieve and believe in themselves to find successful destinations.
Our Staff
Dynamic curriculum that includes Functional Skills, GCSE’s and Vocational Qualifactions.

We aim to provide an environment where all views are valued and where pupils feel enabled to make positive choices regarding their learning and their interactions with others.
Brian Jackson College runs like a school, with some differences. We operate on a first name basis and place a high emphasis on pastoral support. Our aim is for all of our pupils to lead successful, independent lives, both in the workplace and in their relationships with others.

In collaboration with our educational partners (careers advice, colleges, local business) we work hand in hand with our pupils to ensure the best possible start to thier life after leaving Brian Jackson College.

Brian Jackson College is owned and managed by the Yorkshire Children Centre (YCC) who are a registered medium sized charity based in Kirklees, and who offer a wide range of services to children, young people and families living in South and West Yorkshire. Yorkshire Children’s Centre is the trading name for National Children’s Centre (Charity no 288125) which was established in 1974 by Brian Jackson. Brian was an influential educationalist and a founding father of the Open University, he had a desire to bring education to everyone with a specific focus on children.
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