Partnerships, agencies and educational partners

At Brain Jackson College we pride ourselves on our positive and productive relationships with external agencies and interventions.
These include essential and compulsory interventions with social care, family support, risk and vulnerabilities team, attendance officers, schools and interventions which offer additional support for identified needs to enhance progress, positive outcomes and wellbeing for our young people and their families.
We commission our own Educational Psychologist who liaises with college regularly wherever obstacles have arisen for extra guidance and support for interventions and referrals to other services where further assessments are necessary.
We work closely with BASE (drug and alcohol support) where allocated workers can engage in pieces of 1:1 work specific to independent pupils and offering occasional workshops to provide our young people with access to information and knowledge to potentially safeguard them and allow them to make informed decisions around drug and alcohol use.
We work with the Youth offending Team where orders are in place and with preventative and supportive interventions such as gang prevent and Help the Creators around issues where young people are involved in criminality and who may be at risk Child criminal exploitation.
We have weekly engagement with our Locala School Nurse who offers drop in and assessments to our young people around health and wellbeing.
We engage positively with our allocated C&K careers advisor where our young people can create future, access information and complete applications for progression following end of placement with Brian Jackson College.
At BJC we see the importance of connecting with external interventions and particularly seek expertise around relevant and current issues presenting within the communities of our young people inside and outside of school such as conflict resolutions, motivational speakers around gang culture and the parenting support team who deliver a short course called PX2 (Progression to Excellence) which looks at challenging negative perspectives and self-esteem and confidence building.