Exam Results

Brian Jackson College provides a broad curriculum offering a wide range of qualifications and skills that aim to meet the need of all pupils. We offer Functional Skills qualifications in Math and English which the pupils take part in across the academic year. The examinations are flexible in terms of when they may be taken and have a format of 5 different levels of achievement, which allows our pupils to see their progress and demonstrates their development and ability.

We deliver GCSE subjects in Math & English Language. We also offer BTEC’s in Applied Science and Personal Growth & Wellbeing and AiFE & CeFE level 2 in Financial Education. Additional to our core subjects we also provide opportunities to gain qualifications in a range of vocational subjects such as Art, Hair and beauty, Construction Skills, Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Cycle Mechanics.

Exam Results 2023


6 students achieved a GCSE at 3 and above in English

5 students achieved a GCSE at 3 and above in Maths

Functional Skills English

20 students achieved Entry level 3 in English

6 students achieved a level 1 English

1 student achieved a level 2 in English

Functional Skills Maths

17 students achieved Entry level 3 in Maths

 5 students achieved Level 1 in Maths

Positive Destinations

By working closely with our educational partners such as local businesses, colleges and C&K Careers, we ensure that our school leavers are in their best possible place to achieve a successful positive destination.

We have continued to work closely with C & K careers to ensure pupils had the opportunity to explore a variety of different options post 16. Pupils worked closely with the careers advisor to create CV’s and personal statements, alongside completing college applications.